Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
A World-Class Dinosaur Museum in the Hills of Katsuyama
The Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum is one of the world’s largest museums dedicated to dinosaurs. Over a thousand items are on display, including 44 dinosaur skeletons and wall-sized fossilized footprints. There are also moving dinosaur dioramas and giant video screens, for a sense of the scale of these ancient animals. In addition to dinosaurs, the museum includes exhibits that focus on the history of life in general, and even the planet Earth itself.
Field station tours are available throughout much of the year. These two-hour guided tours show Japan’s largest dinosaur discovery site, where six new dinosaur species have been found. The site has fossils on display that were unearthed there. Visitors to the field station can try to find fossils by breaking open rocks with a hammer and chisel.
The museum shop offers a selection of dinosaur-themed toys, lifestyle accessories, and clothing, and the Dino Café serves dinosaur-inspired dishes and local everyday favorites.
51-11 Terao, Muroko-cho, Katsuyama City